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📄 Multiple Configurations

Adding configurations

Via settings

  1. Open settings.
  2. Click "Save a Copy" at the bottom of the settings.
  3. Switch to the new config.


You can drag and drop a .json file into the Homarr tab in your browser. It will automatically be added to your configs.


Using a Filebrowser

  1. Locate your mounted default.json file.
  2. Duplicate your default.json file.
  3. Change the name of the .json file and the name in the .json file to any name you want (just make sure it's different).
  4. Refresh the Homarr tab in your browser.

Changing configurations

Via settings

  1. Open settings.
  2. Select your config from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the settings.



  1. Add the name of the config to the end of your URL. (E.g. http://localhost:7575/exampleconfig)
